Korotkova (Kaburneeva) Elena

Korotkova (Kaburneeva) Elena

Founder and director of the Foundation in support of the International Center of Ballet, teacher-ballet master, candidate of pedagogical sciences, author of scientific articles on teaching methods and history of the development of pedagogical traditions.

Education and projects.

Graduated from Moscow State Academy of Choreography (class of Sofia Nikolaevna Golovkina). Soloist of the ballet “Theater Russian Chamber Ballet “Moscow”. In 2008, Elena Olehovna graduated with honours from Moscow State Academy of Choreography with a degree in ballet pedagogy and became a certified teacher-ballet master. At the same time, she took a professional development course at A. Ya. Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet under the program “Preservation and Development of A. Ya. Vaganova Classical Dance Methods”. In 2010 she completed postgraduate studies at Moscow State Academy of Arts and in 2011 she defended her thesis for the degree of a candidate of pedagogical sciences. In 2014 she was a member of the award panel of the II International Children and Youth Competition of Classical Dance Performers “The Nutcracker Invites” in Yekaterinburg city.

In addition to her active academic activities, Elena Olehovna worked for three years as a director of the department of foreign projects and assistant director in the Kremlin Gala project “Ballet Stars of the XXI Century”. And in 2016, 2017, 2019 she was the executive producer of the “Christmas Ballet Gala”, which were held with great success on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace and brought together the stars of the world ballet scene. In 2017, she received an MBA in Project Management from the Higher School of Economics.

In 2014, she founded and headed the International Center of Ballet.

The International Center of Ballet is a unique dance school, cultural venue, house of ballet art, located in the very center of VDNKh, the world’s largest exhibition complex with unique cultural heritage sites.

For the best implemented project for the preservation and adaptation of cultural heritage sites (Pavilion No. 62 “Nature Protection”, VDNKh), she was awarded the “Phoenix” Prize by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation within the framework of the International Cultural Forum in Saint Petersburg; awarded with gratitude from the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow city for investment in restoration works at a cultural heritage site of federal significance at “Moscow Restoration” competition (2017); In March 2021, she was awarded the Gratitude for her contribution to the development of choreographic art and many years of creative activity by the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin.

He has many letters of gratitude from various organizations, including Moscow Committee of Veterans, Centers for Assistance to Large and Single Parent Families, “Russian Silhouette” Charitable Foundation, etc.

Educational work.

Teaching activity began in 2007 at “The Nutcracker” children’s ballet school. Since 2010, she has been a teacher-choreographer at the “Vera” Center for Psychological Assistance and the “TAIS” School of Choreographic Skills. Then for 5 years she worked as a choreographer at the Central Army Sports Club (CSKA). From 2017 to the present, she has been teaching at the International Center of Ballet.

Scientific work.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Thesis topic: “Formation and development of pedagogical traditions of choreographic education in Russia”.

Author of a number of scientific articles:

  • “Artistic and pedagogical traditions of Moscow State Academy of Choreography”;
  • “Formation of choreographic education in Russia: traditions of ballet art in a cultural and historical context”;
  • “Pedagogical traditions of choreographic education in Russia (on the example of Moscow State Academy of Choreography)”;
  • “Formation of pedagogical traditions of choreographic education in Russia (late 18th – early 20th century)”;
  • “Tradition and innovation in choreographic education”, etc.