Excursion to the Ruarts Foundation for Contemporary Art with the Ballet Center

Friends, we invite you to go on an excursion to the “New Now” exhibition, which presents 70 works by contemporary artists from the Ruarts Foundation. The exhibit display includes works of various genres that have been received in the collection since 2020: video art, installations, kinetic art. This is a unique opportunity to learn more about contemporary art and see the works of Russian artists made in recent years from the foundation’s collection.

During the excursion, we will talk about contemporary art and the variety of artistic practices, and after, we will discuss in a cafe what we’ll have seen.

The excursion is conducted by Nadezhda Tsvetkovich, head of the science division of the Ruarts Foundation and Gallery, art historian, and Maria Prokhorycheva, cultural mediator of the Ruarts Foundation.

The Ruarts Foundation is one of the largest private foundations for the development of contemporary art in Russia. The basis of its collection is unofficial post-war art and contemporary Russian art.

  • Date and time: February 24 at 13:00
  • Excursion duration: 60 minutes + discussion
  • Rating of the exhibition 18+

Please, sign up for an excursion in direct or by phone: 
+7 (985) 143-11-55

+7 (985) 138-84-25